AWSA Member Directory

Welcome to the heart of AWSA, this is where you’ll meet the incredible group of women that make AWSA the great organization that it is.

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AWSA Directory Below.

AWSA- Members last name beginning with A
Sonia Amin
Michelle AdamsJocelyn Andersen
Stacy Hawkins AdamsNancy Anderson
Charlotte AdelspergerNiki Anderson
Shannon Alford
Tessa Afshar
Joyce AinsworthSonya Anderson
Sandra P. AldrichDanni Andrew
Angela AlexanderJoy Anisa
Margaret (Peg) Arnold
Mary AlfordBecky Antkowiak
Deanna AllenMavian Arocha-Rowe
Jody Allen
Julie Ann AllenCandy Arrington
Nan Corbitt AllenLael Arrington
Diana Asaad
Debbie M. AlsdorfSandy Austin
Alyssa Avant
Lori AltebaumerStarr Ayers

AWSA- Members with last names beginning with B

Susan BadeauSarah Bolme
Dr. Velma Bagby
Marlene BagnullMartha Bolton
Sharon BahrychMichelle Borquez
Becky BakerLori Boruff
Cathy BakerAllison Gappa Bottke
Julie BakerCrystal Bowman
Jeanette M. Bakke
Sandi BanksVerna Bowman
Helen Baratta
Dianne BarkerPatricia Bradley
Sandra BarkerPenny Bragg
Julie Ann BarnhillDiana Brandmeyer
Carol L. Barnier Ginny Brant
Ruth BarronDee Brestin
Del Bates
Kate BattistelliElizabeth Brickman
Marilyn Bay
Kendra BroekhuisFelicia Bridges
Rachel Britton
Kristine Brown
Terrie Hellard Brown
Robin BayneKathy Bruins
Shelly Beach
Andrea Bear
Karin BeeryAnita Brooks
Lisa BelcastroMarilyn Brooks
Twila M. BelkAlesia Brown
Dr. Michelle BengtsonJoy Brown
Joan C. Benson
Sara W. BerryShirley Brosius
Criss BertlingElizabeth Bruns
Lisa Betz
Jennie BishopShawna Bryant
Sabrina BlackLacey Buchanan
Lynn Blackburn
Faith BlatchfordMolly Nuble Bull
Marney BlomCindy Bultema
Janet BlySonya Franklin Burney
Karen BoergerLisa Burns
Cristine BolleyDianne Butts
Karla Byrd

AWSA members with last names beginning with C.

Laura Sabin CabanillasJulie Coleman
Susan CallFaye B Collins
Patricia Cameron
Susan CameronEmily Colson
Toni Campbell
Penelope CarlevatoElsa Kok Colopy
Dolley CarlsonHannah Conway
Nancie CarmichaelPeggy Consolver
Jane Cook
Becky CarpenterPenny Cooke
Crystal Caudill
Connie CavanaughGail Cooper
Cynthia CavanaughLisa Copen
Linda Ray CenterBecky Cortino
Sandra Kay Chambers
June ChapkoDebora Coty
Emiliy ChaseJudith Couchman
Gladys Childs
Pamela Christian Cheri Cowell
Michele Chynoweth
Asheritah Ciuciu
Patsy ClairmontMichelle Cox
Dr. Elizabeth Clamon
Kim M. ClarkLaine Lawson Craft
Terri ClarkAlice Craig
Mendy Clark
Marcia ClarkeLisa Crayton
Tamara ClymerLauren Crews
Ginny Cruz
Jan CoatesSharron Cosby
Ruth CoghillSusie Crosby
Cherie ColburnDebbie Cunningham
Jan ColemanKaren Mayer Cunningham
Robin Currie
Carolyn Curtis

AWSA members with last names beginning with D.

Katie Dale
Sylvia M DallasJeanne Gowen Dennis
Saundra Dalton-SmithLilian De Silva
Dawn Scott DamonSue Detweiler
Blythe Daniel
Tammy DanielAdelle Campbell Dickie
Dagny Darnell
Dawn Darnell
Amy DavisDiane Dike
Donnalynn DavisJennie Afman Dimkoff
Linda Carruth DavisJudy Dippel
Mary Lou DavisChristin Ditchfield
Nicole Davis, Ph. D.
Crystal DayeXochitl Dixon
Lynn DeanLynn Donovan
Deborah DeArmondJenn Doucette
Ruth Douthitt
Karen DeArmond GardnerTammy Dove
Sherri Downs
Julie DearyanRhonda Dragomir
Debbie Dufek
Kim de BlecourtJudy Dunagan
Dru Scott DeckerDeborah B. Dunn
Jennifer DeglerPatricia Durgin
Jarmila Del BoccioJoy Dunlap
Kathy Dye
Joy DeKokDena Dyer
Annetta E. Dellinger
Robyn Dykstra

AWSA members with last names beginning with E.

Lynette EasonDr. Edna M. Ellison
Janet EcklesDebra Elrod
Sharon Arpana Edwards
Jenny Edwards
Debbie EfurdKris Rystrom Emmert
Lynn EibDr. Pat Ennis
Loretta Eidson
Kim Erickson
Sherrie EldridgeKristin Evans
Sharon Norris ElliottMissy Eversole
Eva Marie Everson

AWSA members with last names beginning with F.

Sue A. Fairchild
Tara FairfieldSharon Ewell Foster
Robin FarnsworthTama Fortner
Rose Ann Forte
Jenny Foster
Pam FarrelGrace Fox
Annie FarrisInes S. Franklin
Valerie Fentress
Jessica Ferguson
Cynthia FerriniJo Franz
Donna FeyenPaula Freeman
Kaitlyn FiedlerDr. Sylvia Frejd
Leslie Leyland FieldsStaci Frenes
Julia Fikse
Catherine FingerCherie Fresonke
Sheila Preston FitzgeraldRebecca Friedander
Lisa Frisbie
Rosemary FlaatenDonna Frisinger
Sandra Flach
Jana FlaigLiz Cowen Furman
Annette Ford
Diane Ford
Harriett FordTara Furman
Natalie Ford
Jo Ann ForeCathy Fyock
Sarah Forgrave
Cyndi Foster

AWSA members with last names beginning with G.

Marcia GaddisLinda Goldfarb
Juliana GardinerCatherine Goonen
Jill Rigby GarnerJeenie Gordon
Brenda GarrisonKelly Gore
Sarah GeringerJulie Gorman
Page GeskeKelly Goshorn
Kathleen GibsonTricia Goyer
Sheryl Giesbrecht
Terri GillespieNancy Kay Grace
Morna GilbertCarol Graham
April Graney
Julie K GilliesJanet Kobobel Grant
Linda GildenDeborah Gray
Tracy Hester GlassSheila Gravett
Linda GlazLisa Gray
Judy GlenneyJocelyn Green
Sara Greneaux
Meg GlesenerLauren Greutman
Sarah GoebelTeresa Griggs
Janet Morris Grimes
Bobbi Graffunder
Virginia Grounds
Lisa GoinsDarcie Gudger

AWSA members with last names beginning with H.

Deborah HackettBarbara J. Hibschman
Beth Gable Hicks
Ashley Sargeant Hagan
Maureen Hager
Joanne Guarnieri HagemeyerZoe M. Hicks
Deb Haggerty
Bridget Halfyard
Kay HallVicki Hinze
Kelly HallLori Hobson
Sarah Hamaker
Jocelyn HamsherMona Hodgson
Doreen HannaSharon Hoffman
Ellen HarbinKristen Hogrefe
Amy HardenJackie Holland
Angela Harders
Deborah Hardy Cheryl Hollar
Brenda HarkinsTeresa Holler
Becky HarlingMary Hollingsworth
Mary Jane (MJ) Holt
Ginger HarringtonWanda Holt
Paulette Harris
Susan Harris
Vicki Harris
Karen J HarrisonSara Horn
Katie Hornor
Sandra HartliebMissy Horsfall
Patricia Hartman
Jennifer HaynieAmy Houts
Vicki HeathKathy Howard
Linda Howard
Melissa HeilandShadia Hrichi
Sue HeimerGretchen Huesmann
Elaine HelmsMichele Huey
Melissa HendersonJayme Hull
MK HendersonKara R. Hunt
Renata HendersonLori Hynson
Jodi Hendricks
Jane Jenkins Herlong

AWSA members with last names beginning with I.

Kathy IdeJaneen Ippolito
Geneva Iijima

AWSA members with last names beginning with J.

Clarice G. JamesEvelyn Johnson-Taylor
Dr. Rebecca Price JanneyChristie Jones
Teresa Janzen
Billie Jauss
Sharon E. JaynesDawn Jones
Paula JauchDonna Jones
Molly JebberJean E. Jones
Danita Jenae
Bethany JettLouise Tucker Jones
Becky Freeman Johnson
Jackie M. JohnsonKaren Jordan
Janet JohnsonLane Jordan
Marlys JohnsonRebecca Barlow Jordan
Paulette Harper Johnson

AWSA members with last names beginning with K.

Mary Potter Kenyon
Pam KanalyDeborah Keys
Kristen KansiewiczKim Ketola
April Katherman-RedgraveDaLee Kicker
Tammy Karasek
Annette KauffmanDonna Kincheloe
Lucinda Kinsinger
Beebe KauffmanAlice Klies
Katy KauffmanDelia Knox
Maggie Kavanaugh
Ellie KayKim Korieba
Penelope KayeKaren Kosman
Bonnie KeenLinda Kozar
Crickett KeethCathy Krafve
Jill Kemerer
Meredith KendallKristen Krueger
Nancy KennedyLinda Kruschke
Cindy KenneySuzanne Kuhn
Betty Kulich
Tammy KenningtonRowena Kuo
Carol Kent

AWSA members with last names beginning with L.

Cecily LachapelleChristy Largent
Karol LaddCarole Lewis
J. C. Lafler
Dee Dee Lake
Suzanne LakinDelores Liesner
Kim LaliberteCandy Lindley
Kathy LamancusaN.J. Lindquist
Nancy Tupper Ling
Missy Linkletter
Samantha LandyKathi Lipp
Jennifer Smith Lane
Nancy LaPointe
Patty LaRoche
Lorraine LarzabalJeanette Gardner Littleton
Michele LawrenceAmy Lively
Nora St. LaurentTanya Liverman
Cassandra LaymonShelia Llewellyn
Patricia LaytonZarinah Lomax
Ami Loper
Julie LavenderRosemary Losser
Michelle LazurekDonna Lott
Angela Kaye Love
Carole LeathemSandra Allen Lovelace
Jenny Leavitt
Andy LeeDeborah Lovett
Carissa Lovvorn
Carolyn S LeeKolleen M. Lucariello
Yvonne LehmanRobin Luftig
Stacy Leicht
Evelyn M. LeiteSusan Lugli
Naima Lett
Jeanette LevellieDebbie Luxton
Dana R. Lynn

AWSA members with last names beginning with M.

Danielle Macaulay
Kathi MaciasRobin Meade
Dawn Meehan
Kathy MaggartEdie Melson
Dr. Nancy Meyer
Deborah MaloneNancy Sebastian Meyer
Sonja Meyrer
Harriet E Michael
Lee Ann ManciniJan Miesse
Chris ManionDebbi Migit
Jayme H MansfieldBeth Willis Miller
Jill MansorBeaty Miller
Phylis MantelliElaine W. Miller
Cindy MartinJoy Ware Miller
Gail Gaymer MartinKathy Collard Miller
Jaye MartinMary Jane Miller
Kelly MartindaleMaureen Miller
Amy MartinezTanya Miller
Babbie MasonDiAnn  Mills
Patty MasonJennifer Minigh
Julia MateenLuann Mire
Susan G MathisJanet Mitchell
Dianne MatthewsKelly Wilson Mize
Deborah MaxeyDebra Moerke
Teri MaxwellPenny Monetti
Sharon MayRebekah Montgomery
Alycia Morales
Ginny McCabeSamantha Morgan
Yvonne Morgan
Venita McCart
Michele McCarthyKaren Moore
Ashley McClainKarisa Moore
Gena B. McCown
Leighann McCoyJulie Morris
Carol McCrakenLynn D. Morrissey
Karen McCracken
Carla McDougalKay Mortimer
Lucinda Secrest McDowellKay Moser
Elsie McKenney
Heidi Gray McGill
Nancy McGuirk
Janet Holm McHenryShirley Mozena
Heidi McLaughlin
Carol McLeodAne Mulligan
Julie McLaughlin
Cindi McMenaminJonita Mullins
Laura McPherson
Margaret McSweeneyGigi Murfitt
Gari MeachamMary Englund Murphy
Susan B. MeadTamela Hancock Murray

AWSA members with last names beginning with N.

Donna Nabors
Michelle Nietert
Mabel Ninan
Lynn Nitcher
Susan NealBrenda Nixon, M.A.
Allia Zobel Nolan
Christina Suzann NelsonCindy Noonan
Lani NetterBecky Nordquist
Carolyn Dale NewellDebbie Norred
Debra Newell

AWSA members with last names beginning with O.

Susan Titus Osborn
Yvonne Ortega

AWSA members with last names beginning with P.

Laura PadgettMisty Phillip
Kirsten Panachyda
Svetlana PapazovKarynthia Phillips
Julie PapievisJolene Philo
Donalyn ParkerMarti Pieper
Carrie Stuart ParksChonda Pierce
Myrna ParksMary Pierce
Shelley Pierce
Jo Ann Parsons-LipscombEva Piper
Denise Pass
Kim Patterson
Jayne PattonBrenda Poinsett
Lakeshia Poole
Stephanie Pavlantos Karen Porter
Ava PenningtonGail Porter
Gloria PenwellSherry Poundstone
Deborah Perkins
Dennise (Dana) Peters-ColleyYolanda Powell
Jesten PetersLeigh Powers
Tracie PetersonMaureen Pratt
Beth Praed
Gayla Prewitt
Laura PetherbridgeGinny Priz
Dani PettreyDebbie Presnell

AWSA members with last names beginning with Q.

Charlene Quint

AWSA members with last names beginning with R.

Marcia RamslandRhonda Robinson
Deborah RaneySioni Rodriguez
Marsha RanoLori Roeleveld
Janell RardonNina Roesner
Jennifer Rash
Shayna Rattler
Michelle RayburnRoxie Rogiers
Shannon RedmonMichelle Rohlf
Annette ReederLinda W. Rooks
Penny Reeve
Becki ReiserGayle Roper
Anita RenfroeAfton Rorvik
Rhonda RheaChristina Rose
Janice Rose
Naomi RhodeShirley Rose
Lynne RienstraMaggie Wallem Rowe
Heather R. RigglemanJane A. Rubietta
Ramona RichardsCynthia Ruchti
Karen Richardson
Sharon RichardsonTracy Ruckman
Patti RichterCarol Rusaw
Janice RileyJanet Ruth
Rosalinda Torres Rivera

AWSA members with last names beginning with S.

Cindy SaabDyann Shepard
Rona Shirdan
Heather Smith
Cyndy SalzmannLisa Worthey Smith
Tina SamplesLyneta Smith
Nancy I. Sanders
Wanda SanchezPoppy Smith (Patricia Smith)
Ginger SandersPaige Snedeker
Laurie Winslow SargentChristine Sneeringer
Caris Snider
Jill SavageMary R. Snyder
Jacinta Serieux-Fontenelle
Amanda Schaefer
Bobbie SchaeperkoetterNatasha Solce
Leslie Sousa
Renee Coates ScheidtBetty Southard
Susanne ScheppmannMarva Southall
Sue Schlesman
Monica Schmelter
Joy A. SchneiderDonna Sparks
Sheri SchofieldCynthia Spell
Jayne SchoolerBecky Yates Spencer
Ashley SchroederDeborah Sprinkle
Cheryl Schuermann
Carole Whang SchutterCindy Sproles
Latayne Scott
Tricia ScribnerTerry Squires
Lori Scott
Stephanie ShottNancy Stafford
Margot Starbuck
Georgia ShafferDebra States
Tawnya Shaffer
Dr. Laurel ShalerJill Steele
Darcie J. Steiner
Andrea SharpAndrea Stephens
Dawn Stephens
Delaine ShayPaula Kyle Stephens
Ann Stewart
Linda Evans ShepherdCindy Stewart
Kristy Sheridan
Stephanie SherwoodRudelle Stewart
Dayle Allen ShockleySusan Stewart
Peg Carmack ShortKelly J. Stigliano
Joan ShoupRhonda Stoppe
Melanie ShullHoney Storlie
Cynthia L. SimmonsCheri Strange
Amy SimpsonCarol Stratton
Scheila SingleyDeborah Stricklin
Stephanie SchuremanBrenna Stull
Martha SingletonLetitia Suk
Sarah Anne Sumpolec
Sarah Sundin
Julie Sunne
Judy SleghJill Swanson
Sally SmaleCheri Swalwell
Kendra SmileyDoris Swift
Ambi SmithMarnie Swedberg
Gwen E. SmithLaura Sweeney
AWSA members with last names beginning with T.
Kim TaborKarren Todd
Christine TangvaldAndrea Tomassi
Mary TatemSondrea Tolbert
Dr. Mel Tavares
Tonja Taylor
Sharon Tedford
Kristen Terrette
Becky Terry
Carol TetzlaffCheryl Townsley
Lysa TerKeurstJoy Trachsel
Christie Thomas
Jennifer ThomasJennifer Tracy
Joyce Thomas
Kate ThomasLisa Troyer
Leigh Ann ThomasChristine Trimpe
Sarah Loudin ThomasMarilyn Turk
Janet Thompson
Angela Thorne
Pamela ThorsonJoan Turley
Vicki TiedeDarlene L. Turner
Leslie Turner
Sara Turnquist

AWSA members with last names beginning with V.

Kaitrin ValenciaJessica VanRoekel
Ellen Varughese
Susan VandePolLeslie S. Vernick
Lisa VanderkwaakKonnie Viner
Dawn Van BeckLori Vober
Rebecca VanDeMarkBeth K. Vogt
Sandra Vosburgh

AWSA members with last names beginning with W.

Beth Walker
Amy WaltonCyndi Desjardins Wilkens
Dawn Ward
Sherry Lynn Ward
Adria Wilkins
Linda McGinn WatermanAmy Williams
Delena Stuart Watson
Dr. Catherine Hart WeberDebbie Taylor Williams
Gaylyn Williams
Amber Weigand-BuckleyKarla Marie Williams
Deb Weisen
LeAnn Weiss-RupardKim Williams
Martha WeldonSherri Williams
Gwen WellingtonKathy Carlton Willis
Barbara WellsDale Wilsher
PeggySue WellsDawn Wilson
Ronda Wells, MDDebbie W. Wilson
Thelma WellsDenise Wilson
Kinda Wilson
Launa Herrmann aka Kari West
Tama WestermanSusan B. Wilson
Laurie G Westlake
Tammy WhitehurstJeanette Windle
Karen H. Whiting Karen Wingate
April M. WhittSusan Wingate
Barb Winters
Carla WicksJean Wise
Karen Witemeyer
Erica WiggenhornKimberley Woodhouse
Lisa Burkhardt Worley
Jennifer Wright
Kim WierKathe L. Wunnenberg
Lori WildenbergDonna Wyland
Sharon Wilharm Sherri Wynn

AWSA members with last names beginning with Y.

Kathleen Y’Barbo-TurnerBrenda Yoder
Tina YeagerLynda Young

AWSA members with last names beginning with Z.

Lora ZillJoyce Zook
Catherine Zoller

The Amazing Secrets of AWSA Inner Circle

Don’t be left out of the AWSA Inner Circle

Sisters, you are the life-changers, the good news bringers – and you need tools to help you through the mire we call the publishing and speaker world.  That’s why we are here to help.

Now you can sign up for a year’s worth of our wonderful new online seminar training and group coaching.

Once a month, you will be invited onto our live training webinar with group coaching – for inner circle members only.

Topics will include —

  • Getting those BIG speaking engagements you’ve always dreamed of.
  • Duplicating the success of AWSA members who have over a million hits on their blogs.
  • Building a platform that will not only make publishers take notice, but will help you sell your books and events.
  • Writing your next book in thirty days.
  • Finding untapped new markets and strategies for authors.
  • Insider tips from big name editors, they don’t talk about (except to us!)
  • Discover which social media really works.  Our best tips to help you reach a wider audience.
  • The best techniques to schedule your time and productivity
  • How to handle difficult counseling situations that come up in your ministry.

PLUS – there will be LIVE discussions – and you can ask our experts questions – and those answers will make all the difference in reaching your audiences.

Our webinars will come LIVE to you monthly, and it you can’t make a live session, you will be able to watch the recording.

Plus, you will be part of the elite inner circle of AWSA – getting the helps you need, getting your difficult questions answers, and moving forward with all that God has called you to do.  Members will also get conference and retreat REPLAYS of speakers and workshops at a deep discount.

Plus, you will be the first in the know, the first to have the ability to sign up for VERY SPECIAL and EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENTS!

You will develop deeper professional relationships, and as you know, that is so important in what we do.  Who knows the connections God is going to bring together.

So, what would this program be worth to you?  Other groups charge $10,000 a year for such a service.  But because we love you – and want to help you, we won’t even charge you $5000 a year for this.

But don’t you think this program would be worth $2000 a year?.  Well, we are slashing that price by 75 percent.  We are offering this program to you for only $19.99

CLICK HERE to get started.

Join an AWSA Mastermind Group

Our Mastermind Information page had moved.  Please click HERE.

Renew Your AWSA Membership

Memberships auto-renew yearly.  Use link below.

Otherwise, you can pay via our NON-auto renew link HERE.

Apply for AWSA Membership:

To learn more about AWSA membership and how to apply, CLICK HERE