Danni Andrew

Danni Andrew

PO Box 1111
Farmington, NM 87499
Contact Danni: danniandrew@outlook.com


Danni Andrew is an author, speaker and an award-winning artist who lives in northern New Mexico with her dogs Bella and Boots. Danni received her Distinguished Toastmaster award in 2017, she spent five years as a Toastmaster including two years as a Toastmaster Trio leader among other leadership roles. The Trio leads the district which covers a geographical area. Danni first fell in love with speaking and writing in 1990 when she watched a dynamic speaker by the name of Florence Littauer. Danni was terrified at first and speaking in front of an audience did not come easily. She suffered with paralyzing fear and zero self-esteem. It was through counseling and finally her journey with Toastmasters that Danni was able to overcome her terror of speaking in front of people. Danni is now a published author; public speaking is not something she does much now due to health reasons but loved her former speaking life. She writes on living successfully with mental illness and over-coming the fear of public speaking. Watch the website for her podcast called “At the Edge of Midnight” which is coming soon. Danni has other books and projects in the works, for more information go to her website at http://outofthedarkness.net/. You can find her books on her website bookstore page which include:
~Bipolar Disorder Doesn’t Have to Be Depressing
~Mental Health Moments – Combining Journaling, Coloring and Reading
~Clean up Your Life and Keep it Clean
For more of Danni’s books go to Amazon and follow her author page there.