Elaine Helms

Elaine Helms

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Elaine is an award-winning author, church prayer consultant and inspirational speaker. With her passion for God, humor, vulnerability, and spiritual strength, she encourages audiences and readers to draw closer to God and live the abundant life Jesus came to give His followers. Prayer Coordinator for My Hope America with Billy Graham 2012-2013, Elaine has 30 years of experience in church, national, international, and interdenominational prayer leadership. She has wisdom to share out of the reservoir of what God has taught and is teaching her about Himself through prayer.

Elaine is married to retired Army Colonel Joel A. Helms; they have three married children and ten grandchildren – however, their son and three of ten grandchildren are with Jesus in heaven. One of her new topics is “From Grief to Joy in the Journey.” Like Naomi, God blessed Elaine and Joel, after the death of their son, to have his recently-born son, then two more grandsons born that same year. Now much of her focus is on five fun grandsons, 12, 9, 3, 2, and 2.

Her books include If My People Pray. . .Steps to Effective Church Prayer Ministry; Seeing God at Work, Prayer JournalPrayer 101, What Every Intercessor Needs to Know; and Prayer without Limits, Expanding Your Relationship with God. The 10th Anniversary Edition of Prayer 101 was released by New Hope Publishers in 2019.

To contact Elaine to consult with your church on prayer ministry or to invite her to speak to co-ed or women’s groups, email her at erhelms@bellsouth.net.