
Patricia Durgin

Patricia Durgin – AWSA Certified Coach




Contact Patricia:



Watch her FB Live program at: Facebook.com/MarketersOnAMission
Join her FB group at: MarketersOnAMission.com/fb-group/

For Daily Loop prayer requests:


Is your message missing some unidentifiable “something?” Perhaps Patricia Durgin can help. Patricia has an unquenchable desire to provide her audience measurable results, and to help those she serves do the same. She’s delivered over 2,500 sessions as a professional trainer, conference faculty member, community speaker, Bible teacher (alongside a pastor), and Facebook Live program host. No matter the environment, Patricia always ends up teaching. She served adult survivors of childhood abuse, teaching them how to enjoy healthy relationships, first with God and then with others, until He closed that ministry door after 30 years. In 2003, Christ called Patricia to serve Christian writers and speakers. Her overall topic? Online marketing. Mastering this helps Christian communicators reach beyond their close-knit circles to the broader marketplace, so they (and their message) consistently reach new audiences for God’s glory. Her sub-topics include messaging, email list building, marketing strategies, FB Live training, creating marketing funnels, branding, and helping her audience develop their marketing “promise,” the practical, measurable results their message offers. This single concept drives all their marketing efforts. Patricia serves her audiences in four formats: 1) as the host of Marketers On A Mission, a 60-minute Facebook Live program, 2) as the Admin of a private Facebook group, 3) via private consultations, and 4) hosting short Live-on-Location interviews at Christian writers and speakers conferences. All exclusively for Christian writers and speakers. Patricia and her husband live near Atlanta. Their two daughters are children’s pastors and their two sons-in-law are youth pastors.