Jo Franz
www.jofranz.comContact Jo: |
Jo’s passion is to inspire and teach others how to experience God’s love as their Daddy, to know Christ intimately, and soar unafraid joyfully, no matter what happens in their lives. Her love for and dependence upon God’s Word and prayer is evident in every talk—whether at a retreat, conference, banquet, or church service.
Jo’s international audiences say her amazing devotion to the Lord and the remarkable testimony of His grace through difficult circumstances encourages them to hunger for a heart that no stress or suffering can wear out. Jo just considers it a privilege to tell what God has done in and through her life!
Because she’s known a “variety of sufferings,” others relate easily to Jo. Even though multiple sclerosis hit her in 1977, Jo refused to give up, and has lived a life of adventure. But she understands the heartache of betrayal and unwanted divorce. Her vulnerable teaching shows how one grows by taking responsibility and allowing the Spirit to change one’s heart and communication. Her marriage to Ray in 1987 while becoming an “instant mom” to his two young daughters, took her through more difficulties, physical traumas, but also more joy than her heart can hold. She bursts with passion to share the love of Jesus with others—especially since she came to know him because strangers told her about how to have a personal relationship with him at a 5 th Dimension concert, of all places! Jo’s talks encourage others to know God’s love and desire for them to experience an abundant life full of courage.
After hearing requests for her story in book form since 1984, Jo’s memoir, Soar Unafraid: Learning to Trust No Matter What was released in July 2007. Gary Thomas, (author of Sacred Marriage and Sacred Influence, in which Jo and Ray are featured) says, “Jo’s vulnerability is a gift to Christ’s Church.” Readers’ touching responses have come from as far away as Nigeria. Since the book’s release Jo has been doing TV and radio interviews nationwide. Her stories are found in eight compilation books, and she’s contributed to the writing of several others.
Jo is also a certified peer counselor and inspirational speaker for the National MS Society, and was awarded the Orange County, California chapter “Volunteer of the Year” award in 1993.