Cheryl Schuermann
Cheryl Schuermann enjoyed many years as a literacy consultant and curriculum trainer in
schools across the U.S. After signing her first book contract in 2007, Cheryl was hooked and
knew she wanted to develop as a multi-genre writer. Her books include the award-winning
parenting book co-authored with her husband, Stan, Raising Kids for Tomorrow’s World:12
Keys to Preserving the Faith (Pen It Publications 2022). Farmhouse Devotions is scheduled to
release in 2024 (Bold Vision Books).
Cheryl is a leader in Word Weavers International and a member of Advanced Writers and
Speakers Association (AWSA), Christian Authors Network/CIPA, and Serious Writer. In
addition to writing, Cheryl facilitates a caregiver support group in her community. For over two
decades, she and her husband have mentored and taught parents in their local church. Cheryl
spends as much time as possible with her family: four sons, four daughters-in-love, and thirteen
grandchildren, ages 8-20. The family farm is her favorite place to write, play with family, and
host ministry groups.