Laurie Green Westlake – P.O.W.E.R. Certified Speaker

Laurie Green Westlake (L.G. Westlake)

Writer of three award-winning novels, L. G. Westlake is a gifted communicator, born out of a very real and raw journey with Christ. Her quests include serving as founding director of a Crisis Pregnancy Center in Texas and both long and short-term mission work in Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Honduras, Mexico, The Philippines, India and Guatemala. Today, L.G. serves as a marketing and communications manager for an international ministry.
A public speaker for more than twenty years, L. G. brings life-rich stories and biblical perspective to a variety of topics. She’s spoken to audiences from multiple church denominations and parachurch organizations. L. G. is also a proven fundraiser with twenty years experience in Christian nonprofit management and promotion.