Julie Ann Barnhill

Julie Ann Barnhill


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Bio: Call her a 21st century Erma Bombeck with a pleasantly skewed twist! Over 60,000 readers of her books as well as audiences that numbers in the 10,000’s have experienced the unleashing of her disarming wit, vulnerability and authenticity. This “spunky, sassy, and thought provoking” speaker challenges her audiences to “fasten their seatbelts!” as she dispenses the lone antidote for remaining sane amidst life’s roller coaster ride of emotional, financial, physical, and spiritual ups and downs—the medicinal cure of guffaw-inducing, jaw-aching, my stomach muscles hurt so bad, laughter! This comedian and author will make you laugh so hard you snort!

Julie’s passion for books and learning has helped hone her gift of public speaking and writing. Her quirky style, hilarious delivery, and authentic confessions of her own struggles and defeats have made her a highly popular National keynote, workshop leader, and media guest.

Her first book, She’s Gonna Blow! Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger(Harvest House Publishing, 2001) is a perfect example of her speaking style condensed into words and book format. With sales topping 50,000 copies since its release, readers have responded to Julie’s candid ‘been there’ battles of anger toward her children as she shares the good, the bad, and the lavish grace that God extends to parents everywhere.

Her second book, Til Debt Do Us Part, (Harvest House Publishing, 2002) brings hope and laughter to the “financially challenged”—men and women, husbands and wives, who just can’t seem to keep it together for the long haul when it comes to money, motivation, and marriage.

Julie’s third book, Scandalous Grace, set for a May 2004 release in conjunction with Tyndale Publishing House, will lead women to the audacious and preposterous reality of Divine Grace. Grace that proclaims without reservation: “God is crazy about you. Just as you are, warts and all, failures and successes, regrets and doubts! And God wants to lavish His unrestrained and liberating grace in your life as a woman.”

Millions of viewers saw Julie as a featured guest on Oprah in October 2002. The program, Moms Who Lose Control, garnered such a response as to warrant its re-airing on December 20th of the same year. International, national and syndicated guest spots also include: The Other Half with host Dick Clark,CNBC’s “PowerLunch,” CNN World News, FOX TV Forth Worth, TX, At Home Live! Master Control, 100 Huntley Street, The New Harvest Show, His Place, CTN Live! and It’s a New Day.

Radio appearances include: National Public Radio, Janet Parshall’s America, Midday Connection, Prime Time America, Billy Graham’s Decision Today as well as a two-day interview with Focus on the Family legend, Dr. James Dobson.