Connie Cavanaugh

Connie Cavanaugh

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Bio: Connie Cavanaugh speaks at more than 40 events each year all over North America. Hilarious and unforgettable, her real-life stories give the audience an easy memory tag for life-changing spiritual truth. She has led workshops at events featuring Kay Arthur, Tony Campolo, Beth Moore, Stuart and Jill Briscoe and Randy Singer. She has shared the platform with comedian Dennis Swanberg and Bible teacher Mary Kassian. Currently she is a keynote speaker for World Vision Canada’s highly popular Girls’ Nite Out, headlining 20 GNO events in 2008. She communicates spiritual truth with energy, humor, warmth, and grace. Connie counts it a great privilege to speak to women of many denominations as she devotes her life to furthering the work of God on earth.

Although she was raised in a mainline church, Connie never knew Jesus personally until, at the age of 18, a university classmate explained the gospel in terms she could understand. Connie welcomed Jesus into her life on November 19, 1973