Dianne Barker
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Dianne Barker, bestselling author and popular conference speaker, is passionate about investing her life in women, encouraging wholehearted surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. She understands the challenges facing women today and speaks from personal experience about nurturing marriage, parenting, balancing family and career, living joyfully above the circumstances, and relying totally on Christ for an abundant, overflowing daily walk.
Dianne began a career in journalism at age 18 while a college student and wrote her first book at 24, Billy Graham in Big Orange Country. Twice Pardoned, which she co-authored with Harold Morris, was a national Christian bestseller and the first book for Focus on the Family Publishing. Her other books include Living Proof with Vietnam hero Clebe McClary, Cabbages and Kings—Reflections on Living Abundantly in Christ, and I Don’t Chase the Garbage Truck down the Street in My Bathrobe Anymore! Organizing for the Maximum Life. She has written for numerous publications and contributed to several compilations.
Dianne hosts a weekly program “At the Library” on WHCB Radio, Blountville, Tennessee, featuring interviews with Christian authors. She is a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries.
She and her husband James served for several years as marriage-enrichment leaders for Holston Baptist Association, Johnson City, Tennessee. They have two married children and two grandchildren.
For more about Dianne’s ministry, visit www.diannebarker.com.