Lisa Goins
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Lisa is a national speaker and author, business owner, co-lead pastor at Faith Church and founder of She Knew Gathering. Through her authentic and transparent writing along with speaking messages laced with humor and heartfelt vulnerability, Lisa helps women to: • Break free from the shame of a regretful past and believe that God’s best days are in front of them. • Push past fears that are holding them back from living up to God’s full potential. • Stop comparing and start dreaming by recognizing they are all uniquely gifted by God and He as a plan and a purpose for them to fulfill • Fight discouragement and disappointments with the truth of God’s word and by taking courageous steps even when they are uncomfortable. Lisa and her husband Kelly live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and have 4 kids ages 25, twins that are 23 and a 22 yr old. Her claim to fame is that she gave birth to 4 kids in 3 years and has lived to talk (and laugh) about it!