Sharon Arpana Edwards

Sharon Arpana Edwards


I’m an Indian-born author who migrated to Los Angeles in 1999. I have edited numerous books and authored three: There Once Was a Man Who Suffered: The Book of Job in Limericks (2022); The Blessing of Melchizedek Devotional: 100 Reflections on Faith, Favor, and the Fruitful Life (2016); and Pioneer Boulevard (2013), a collection of stories set in LA’s Indian community. I have also written two faith-based screenplays and published articles in The Christian Post and American Thinker. I enjoy prayer, worship, Bible study, writing, speaking, and encouraging others. As one who was given the chance to live by not being aborted, as my father had wanted, I value the gift of life and am always glad to speak up for the unborn. Listening to people’s stories is among my favorite activities, and I am about to launch an interview show about faith.