Shirley Mozena

Shirley Mozena

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Shirley Quiring Mozena is a retreat speaker and national speaker for Stonecroft Ministries; she has nearly three-hundred followers who read her weekly blog on encouragement and hope. Shirley has a presence on FaceBook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Her website includes her blogs, and speaking schedule: She has published articles in the newspaper and Christian publications. Just recently, she was awarded winner from Oregon Christian Writers (OCW) Cascade Awards for an unpublished article entitled, “Two Amazing Prayers.”
Shirley has authored three books: Second Chances At Life and Love, With Hope (Redemption Press, 2012), Beyond Second Chances: Heartbreak to Joy (Redemption Press, 2015), both books were finalists in the OCW Cascade Awards. With her husband Jim, she has co-authored a book, Second Chance at Love: Navigating the Path to Remarriage (Redemption Press, 2020). It is a finalist in the 2021 Selah Awards.
She and her husband, Jim, facilitate GriefShare where they work with those grieving the loss of a loved one in death. They especially have compassion for those experiencing the death of a spouse.