Deborah Hardy

Deborah Hardy

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Deborah (Debbie) Hardy enjoyed many happy years of marriage with her husband Bryan before he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. During Bryan’s illness, Debbie kept friends and family up-to-date by e-mail, ending each note with a word of hope or encouragement, even in the darkest hours. Many reported that those words caused them to make positive changes in their lives, repair relationships, accomplish goals, and improve their attitudes.

s a result of that experience, Debbie authored Stepping Through Cancer: A Guide for the Journey, a step-by-step reference for cancer caregivers. This book offers information on what to expect and how to handle it, ways to keep track of all the information, encouragement for the road ahead, and practical hints to make the journey more bearable. It offers some control in an otherwise uncontrollable situation.

Here’s the YouTube book trailer:

Debbie is now a speaker and encourager, helping others deal with cancer, caregiver issues, and keeping a positive attitude when life beats you down. She has several other nonfiction books in progress, but her passion continues to be encouraging others.