Susan B. Mead
Contact Susan: |
A master storyteller and award-winning, bestselling author, Susan B.
Mead leaves audiences motivated to live a life free of regrets even
though she has done the hardest thing any parent can do – bury her
youngest son, Kyle. With over 22 years in corporate America, 2
million airline miles under her belt, 1 IPPY eLit Book Award Gold
Medal in Religion and 2 Christian Literary Awards on the shelf, an
MBA and a Certificate of Ordination hanging on the wall, as well as a
Doctor of Theology candidacy in process, Susan shares her expert
teachings on business, identity, image, grief, spiritual warfare and
Susan has been described as asolid, comforting voice in a messy
world. Whether speaking to business professionals, women’s
conferences, industry leaders or writer’s workshops, Susan’s
insightful wisdom inspires audiences, empowering them to make
healthy mental u-turns to help them find calm in the chaos.
Connect with Susan on her website at where she
writes each Friday, on Facebook and Twitter where she posts
inspiration or on Amazon where her award-winning book, Dance
With Jesus: From Grief to Grace and her latest award-winning
book, Don’t Go Through Life Naked: How to Clothe Yourself in
God’s Power, are available.
Are you looking for a free mini-course to deepen your faith? Text
DanceWithJesus (all one word) to 444-999, then reply with your email
to receive 6 days of Biblical encouragement.
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