Laura Sweeney

Laura Sweeney

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When we think of writing, fiction or fantasy or Hollywood comes to mind, not writing as a source of healing. But writing can be an important vehicle for reconstructing ourselves, and our communities. I facilitate an innovative writing enterprise, Writers for Life, which focuses on writing to wellness short courses. Through grant-funded sessions, I work with students of all ages and abilities to encourage reflection upon their unique life histories, then write creatively about their experiences. Research indicates that this process stimulates health and well-being benefits.

Laura Sweeney facilitates Writers for Life in central Iowa. She represented the Iowa Arts Council at the First International Teaching Artist’s Conference in Oslo, Norway. Her poems and prose appear in fifty plus journals in the States, Canada, Britain, and China. Her recent awards include a residency at Sundress Publication’s Firefly Farms, a scholarship to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and participation in the Kaz Creative Nonfiction Conference.