PeggySue Wells

PeggySue Wells

Contact PeggySue:

Twitter, Facebook, Pintrest, Goodreads, Amazon: PeggySue Wells

“Emiently quotable, PeggySue is a tonic – warm like your favorite blanket, bracing like a still drink.”Bestselling author of two-dozen titles and innovative speaker, PeggySue Wells connects audiences to hope, heroes, and humor. Whether you are building business, community, relationships, creativity, or dreams, PeggySue has tips to help you thrive.

Addressing a classroom, college, packed conference session, or a corporate retreat, PeggySue caters her message to your needs, providing abundant and interactive take-home value for every participant.

Popular topics include:

Slavery in the Land of the Free: Simple steps to stop human trafficking

How Can We Make This Happen: Dream and achieve big dreams

Create Small Shifts for Grand Results

Home: Your Art Studio for LifeĀ 

Yes, You Can Write!

Your future and possibilities are as unlimited as the Son!