Ruth Coghill

Ruth Coghill


Ruth Coghill is married to Bob and they have four married children and thirteen grandchildren. Gathering the whole ‘Coghill’ clan three or four times a year, at their Kawartha Lake home, is one of her great delights. 

Ruth is a speaker, founder of Words To Inspire- Lifelong Empowerment From God’s Word and author of the four-book, four-lesson WOW Bible study series for the time-constrained woman. The WOW series have translations in Nepali, Mandarin, Spanish and English.

In 2019, Ruth set aside the writing of the fourth and final WOW study to compile, along with Sara Davison, her latest book Unborn Untold- True Stories of Abortion and God’s Healing Grace. What a tremendous blessing for Unborn Untold to be the recipient of The Word Guild 2020 Debra Fieguth  (Fee-gooth) Social Justice Award.

Ruth writes: “I’m looking forward to expanding the Unborn Movement, sharing more stories of the broken, and offering the HOPE that Christ brings.”