Becky Yates Spencer

Becky Yates Spencer

Contact Becky:


Becky and her husband Tracy have been married for forty-three years. They raised 8 children–four birth and four adopted–and so far, they have twenty-eight grandchildren. She doesn’t go looking for a fight, but battles find her. So she writes, sings, and speaks about things worth fighting for. When she’s not traveling, Becky stays busy running their bed and breakfast, serving vulnerable children in eSwatini, Africa by directing Grand Staff Ministries, and enjoying her role as Grammy. You’ll find Becky and Tracy fighting the good fight of faith in Buhler, Kansas. Becky is an award winning author who has won first place in the AWSA Golden Scrolls Memoir category.

If you wish to contact her, please do so by: (620) 543-6518