Dr. Velma Bagby

Dr. Velma Bagby


Dr. Velma is an Award-Winning Author with fifteen books published as of 2023. She wrote her first book, inspired by her adult daughters, a Christian nonfiction relationship-focused book based on their conversations about men. It became a call to action for single Christian women to date with intent.

Inspired by her blessed marriage of 49 years, Dr. Velma continues her focus on dating & relationships, using the storytelling style of Jesus. Jesus wrote over 50 parables/fiction stories, and they included an item familiar to the listener, a connection allowing the listener to see themselves in it, redemption and it was the listener’s choice to change in the end. His stories were non-threatening and never preachy. This is how Dr. Velma found Christian Contemporary Fiction a genre perfect for sharing Christian principles that can appeal to those who aren’t familiar with scripture—whether in the church or outside of it.

She applies this storytelling style in The CATCH Series, where she uses fish analogies to show the dating mistakes of the character: the catfish who loves garbage, the sturgeon who likes to nibble, the salmon who refuses to get caught, and the pufferfish who is handsome until agitated. The book garnered rave responses from book promoters, podcasters, and readers who saw themselves in the stories and met men like the fish characters. Responding to the readers’ request for more fish analogies, the novel is now a 4-book series that includes a nonfiction workbook.

A Certified Christian Dating-Relationship Coach and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), Dr. Velma has 30+ years of ministering to women and with her husband provided pre-marriage and marriage counseling. She is also a seasoned Women’s Ministry Leader and enjoys expounding upon the scriptures to teach others. Some of her popular speaking topics as a Dating-Relationship Coach are: How to Avoid Dating a Fool, Conditions vs Characteristics, Declutter-Lay Aside Every Weight, and The Woman in the Mirror.

She also addresses suffering in two books: 1) Our Rainbow Baby, a Christian nonfiction that tells of infertility and loss. 2) A Place Called Down-Why Christians Suffer, also Christian nonfiction where she shares her experience in the ​refiner’s fire.

Besides books, Dr. Velma occasionally writes as a guest blogger for fellow Christian authors. She is especially grateful for the opportunity to be a contributing writer for Victorious By Design Magazine’s Love Zone Corner. The online magazine has also featured her recent releases. For the free digital copy subscribe to: https://www.victoriousbydesign.com/-vbd-magazine-subscribe

Self-published, she is CEO of Adoni Publishing LLC and considers one of her greatest achievements to be helping her granddaughter publish her first book at age 6. Dr. Velma’s granddaughter is now a 3X Award-Winning Author for her first book, The Little Letter K, and the Boring Alphabet Line, and two follow-up books. Dr. Velma says the books exist because of her granddaughter’s imagination, and she was simply her co-pilot.

AWSA Certified P.O.W.E.R. Speaker

Certified Christian Dating-Relationship Coach

Ordained Minister, Th.D.

ACFW, American Christian Fiction Writers