Michele Huey

Michele Huey

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Since 1997, Michele Huey has described her struggles as a Christian wife, mother, and grandmother in her weekly newspaper column, Minute Meditations. As an inspirational speaker, she brings the same humor and poignancy to the stage, addressing spiritual growth, family life, and relationships at mother-daughter banquets, women’s retreats and seminars, and community events.

Michele’s books, Minute Meditations: Meeting God in Everyday Experiences(April 2000), I Lift Up My Eyes (November 2002), and Wings of the Morning(November 2004) are compilations of her columns. In 2001 she launched a daily inspirational radio program, God, Me and a Cup of Tea. Her work has appeared inGuideposts, The Upper Room, Pathways to God, Christ in Our Home, Teachers in Focus, Home Life, Purpose, Chicken Soup for the Christian Family Soul, God’s Abundance, God’s Vitamin C for the Spirit of Women, Why Fret That God Stuff? and For Better, For Worse.

A member of St. Davids Christian Writers Association Board of Directors, she teaches Bible, English, and journalism/communications at Punxsutawney Christian High School, as well as workshops on writing at writers’ conferences.

Michele and her husband, Dean, have been married since 1973 and have three adult children and four grandchildren.