Nancy Sebastian Meyer

Nancy Sebastian Meyer

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Nancy Sebastian Meyer is a sparkling speaker and authentic author, known for bringing God’s hope, healing, and joy to relationships. Nancy has spoken all over the US , as well as in Mexico and Ireland . She has been a radio guest on Focus on the Family, Midday Connection, and other national and local programs, in addition to TV appearances on “His Place” (Cornerstone TV) and “Aspiring Women” (Total Living Network).

Her books include Beyond Expectations: Finding Joy In Your Marriage, Talk Easy, Listen Hard: Real Communication for Two Really Different People, and Spiritually Single Moms: Raising Godly Kids When Dad Doesn’t Believe. And she has written for Today’s Christian Woman. Her solo albums include Come Thou Fount and Heart Hope.


A degreed educator and Certified Personality Trainer, Nancy enjoys teaching and speaking at a variety of events such as the AACC National Convention, the Hawaiian Islands Ministries Bay and Honolulu Conferences, and her own specially-designed conferences: WOW (Wives Only Workshop), SSMoms (Spiritually Successful Moms Conference), and the Talk Easy, Listen Hard Couples Communication Conference. In addition to being an AWSA member and speaker, Nancy is listed with SpeakUp Speaker Services and CLASServices.


Nancy’s ministry, hope4hearts, is located in Lancaster , Pennsylvania , where she lives with husband Rich, teen daughter Becky—and Wrangler, their golden retriever.