Kim Wier

Kim Wier

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Kim is a Christian communicator reaching others through speaking, writing and broadcasting. She is the author of five books, including The Art of Friendship recently released by Baker Publishing Group. She is a talk radio host on the number one large market Christian station in the country. She is the creator and host of The Art of Friendship podcast and creator of the One Year with God Devotional Challenge. Kim has interviewed over 1000 guests exploring issues of faith and life and written more than 1200 newspaper humor columns.
Kim has spoken around the country as a Bible teacher and speaker for 15 years encouraging women to let faith breath life into every aspect of their identity – from the joys and triumphs to their struggles and weaknesses. She speaks passionately about the power of relationships as we journey together from grace to grace.

Kim has been married more than three decades and is mom to four adult kids and Kimmy to four grand girls. Texas is home. Women are her passion. Jesus is her aim.

Kim’s books are The Art of Friendship (Baker Publishing/Bethany House),  Redeeming the Season & Redeeming Halloween (Focus on the Family Publishers) Are you Talking to Me (Family Life Publishers) and Get a Spiritual Life (Regal).