Lilian DeSilva

Lilian DeSilva



Contact Lilian:



Mother of three and Grandmother of six. Writer of Gospel Truth as and when prompted by the Lord. Be it writing or song, always reflects her passion to share the Gospel of Jesus.

She has presented the gospel over the National Radio, National TV and on stage. Also at an
annual event ‘Fete de la Musique’, at Alliance Francaise Colombo, in 2011.
The Lord led her to witness personally to a former President of Sri Lanka, at his residence in 1990.

She has presented her books to a President and a Prime Minister, of Sri Lanka.
Pioneer of Women’s Ministries. 1) Moratuwa Fellowship of Christian Women, 2) Pastors’ Wives
Fellowship , representing over 10 Christian Denominations, presently continuing for the 19 th year
from 2005.

Books – “The Promised Messiah”, “Be An Overcomer”, “Sing with Me”
Songs – An Album “ A Ray of Hope “ of 10 Original Worship songs
Available on Amazon, under her Full name- Lilian Elizabeth De Silva.
Member of- Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.

Producing Short Documentary Videos since 2020.
The Short Film,   ‘Creation and The Creator’  is an  Award Winner at the  “Depth of the Field International Film festival “  in April  2023