
Deb Haggerty

Deb Haggerty


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Deb is the Publisher and Editor-in- Chief for Elk Lake Publishing Inc. Elk Lake “publishes the positive” consisting primarily fiction of all genres and age groups from children’s to adult. Nonfiction submissions must have a twist—be out of the ordinary.

Prior to purchasing Elk Lake, Deb founded Positive Connections® (www.PositiveConnect.com) her management consulting practice in 1985, following thirteen years as a manager with Southern Bell/AT&T. In 2000, she founded Positive Hope (www.PositiveHope.com), a breast cancer ministry, which gives encouragement and education to those with breast cancer, their families, and friends. She speaks on the topic from a faith-based perspective as she describes her journey.

Deb loves Christian literature and reviews books and interviews authors on her blog, (www.PositiveGrace.com). She loves encouraging both readers and authors with her words. Deb is one of the clearest communicators you’ll ever meet. Featured in the Communication Coach, the Masters’ Collection, Intimate Encounters with God, and over twenty other books, she’s also published numerous articles. She has taught at writers’ conferences across the country and has served on staff for the CLASSeminar and Personality Training Workshops as well as speaking for many corporate clients. Deb is a strong Christian with a love of sharing God’s grace. 

Deb speaks on communicating with confidence, God’s grace, and personality in action. She lives in Plymouth, MA, with her husband of over thirty-four years, Roy, and Coki the Dog.