Ami Loper

Ami Loper


Author and speaker, Ami Loper, is passionate to help people get free. Whatever is holding you back, be it rejection, fear, or unforgiveness, let’s come together to be immersed in the mighty love of Jesus as He embraces the real you and releases you into freedom.

Ami has been preaching since her teens and has her master’s degree in theology. A gleeful puzzler, a persistent solution-finder, a hunter of clarity, Ami finds her joy in discovering connections and truths tucked in corners of the Word of God.

Ami is the author of Constant Companion: Your Practical Path to Real Interaction with God. As a guest speaker in churches and at conferences, she brings truths to light as she crafts words that bring transformation. Ami’s mission is to use the challenges she’s been through to provide resources to propel others toward their freedom by offering hope to the wounded, spiritual nourishment to the hungry, tools to the learners, and companionship to those who feel invisible.

Ami and her husband live in Arizona and love few things more than surrounding themselves with their children and their growing number of grandchildren.