Sherrie Eldridge
www.SherrieEldridge.comContact Sherrie: |
A twice-reunited adoptee, Sherrie Eldridge is a straight-shooting, transparent, and compassionate author, speaker, and trainer in the field of adoption. Her books are research-based, yet woven within are poignant messages pounded out on the anvil of her own adoptee heart.
This is what makes Eldridge unique!
One adoptive parent said she had a beautiful heart because she had the courage to tell him what his daughter might experience.
Her first book, Twenty Things Adoptive Parents Need to Succeed, is required reading by many adoption agencies and universities. She has also authored six other books. Sherrie helps readers and listeners to understand the adopted child’s perspective on adoption and how to deepen connections between parent and child.
Sherrie has been married to Bob Eldridge for 49 years. They have 2 married daughters and six grandchildren. For more information: