Jeanette M. Bakke

Jeanette M. Bakke


I guess you could call me a late bloomer. I have always loved the art of putting words together;  A family Christmas letter, an encouragement card, or a condolence card to name a few. I began writing Mini-Manuals, under the title – Principles for Living (A Biblical Perspective) – “Tithes and Offerings” and “Transformation”. I printed each of them (truly self-printing)  and they were displayed and sold at our church.   

My husband and I are lifetime members of the International Ministerial Fellowship. In 2009 we launched “Rising Up Whole”, with a 501c3 status. Our desire is to see the bride of Christ rise up whole.It is a blessing to be a part of the answer.

In 2020 I felt the time was right to finish a book I started in 2005. At that time, I felt a check in my spirit that I was to wait. If you have the opportunity to read my book – The Unwilling Prodigal Comes Home, printed in June this year,  you will know the reason why. God knew! 

I am and have been married or 52 years. We have three grown children and two grandsons who live way too far away. I believe that I will be writing as long as I am able. I am looking forward to what God has for me in the future.