
Jayne Schooler

Jayne Schooler

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With a heart and passion to educate and support professionals and families working within the field of foster care, adoption, and unintended pregnancy, Jayne Schooler speaks internationally on a wide variety of family life issues, adoption issues and other child welfare concerns.

Jayne’s book titles include: The Whole Life Adoption Book (NavPress), Searching for a Past (NavPress), Telling the Truth to Your Foster or Adopted Child (Greenwood), Journeys after Adoption(Greenwood), and Mom, Dad, I’m Pregnant: When Your Daughter or Son Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy (NavPress.) A number of her books have been translated into three different languages.

Jayne holds a B.A. in English and as Masters of Ministry in Life Issues Counseling from the Master’s International School of Divinity. She has been a guest on over 35 radio and TV programs including At Home Live, Midday Connection, Moody Broadcasting, and the Jerry Rose Show. She is a frequent speaker at national and state conferences and most recently began her adoption work within the child welfare system in the Ukraine. Her most recent honors, including Ohio Child Welfare Trainer of the Year (2006) and National Distinguished Trainer of the Year for the National Staff and Training Development Association, located in Washington DC, both honors for which she gives glory to the Lord.

Jayne has served alongside her husband in the pastoral ministry for over 35 years. They are the parents of two children, Ray, 40, who joined their family by adoption at age 16, and Kristy, age 30. They also enjoy the antics of six awesome grandchildren.