Pam Kanaly

Pam Kanaly

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Pam Kanaly, national television talk show co-host and nominee for Oklahoma Mother of the Year 2010, brims with passion in sharing the love of Christ. Leaving indelible impressions of a woman empowered by God’s grace, Pam brings the Word of God to life in her endearing teaching style. As an accomplished Bible teacher, Pam’s dynamically versed in articulating biblical truth having taught a women’s Bible class of over 250 women for nine years.

Pam serves as co-founder of Arise Ministries, a national women’s organization whose mission thrives in teaching all women about their immense value to Christ the King. Pam’s book, Will the Real Me Please Stand Up and the accompanying Bible study, Will the Real MePlease Stand Up: Let’s Go Deeper challenges every believer to take hold of their God-given inheritance and walk in their identity in Christ.

Pam’s triumph over adversity is proof that what she teaches is how she lives. Out of the depths of her own heartache through divorce and betrayal, Pam pioneered the first-ever statewide single mothers’ conference in America: Survive ‘N Thrive.Having originated in the state of Oklahoma with the Governor’s endorsement, this national conference now brings fresh hope into the lives of single families across the nation. In February 2010, Pam received an invitation to address select members of Congress in Washington, DC, concerning the plight of single moms.

Having appeared on The 700 Club and hosted her own national radio broadcast with Peter Spencer called Lifeline of Hope with ‘Peter Pam,’ Pam’s passion remains clear: sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As residents of Edmond, Oklahoma, Pam and her husband Rich share a blended family of four children. They enjoy three grandchildren who affectionately call them “Bear Paw” and “Grammy Pammy.”