
Carole Leathem

Carole Leathem

Contact Carole:



A gifted speaker, teacher, storyteller, author, and encourager, Carole has been speaking at women’s retreats and teaching Bible studies for over thirty years. Carole was a commercial actress in Hollywood for fifteen years. She has been married to her husband, Bill, a retired pastor, for over 40 years, and they live in Bakersfield, California. They have two children and seven grandchildren. Carole is passionate about sharing her story with those God puts in her life. She loves spending time at the beach, especially Maui, and never tires of visiting Disneyland.

Fun Facts about me:

I’m a true introvert who resets with a cup of good coffee, a warm blanket, and my Bengal cat purring on my lap.
I have motion sickness so bad; I can’t swim or take a bath and take medicine so I can go on rides at Disney parks with my grandchildren.
I’m obsessed with British Television.
I put mustard on everything…even pancakes.

Thank you for all you do! ❤