Ashley Schroeder

Ashley Schroeder



Ashley Schroeder is married to the love of her life, Kurt Schroeder. Kurt and Ashley have two daughters. Ashley started out in sales in 1993 and today owns her own business.

In March of 2015, Ashley started Papa God and Ashley, teaching people how to have a relationship with God, whom Ashley calls, Papa God. Motivated by her Facebook page, “Papa God and Ashley Devotionals” and through the dreams and visions, God gives her, most of these stories were prompted by her quiet time with God in His Word.

Ashley is a motivation speaker, enthusiastic author, and advocate for abused and abandoned children for Holt International, a Christian organization dedicated to finding families for the world’s orphaned and abandoned children. The Lord put it on Ashley’s heart, through verses like James 1:27, to raise awareness to help these children through sponsorships that provide a healthy and loving environment, proper nutrition, education, and medical care.

Ashley is a natural-born speaker with an encouraging approach on who we are to Christ and as children of the King! Ashley says, “If He is the King and He is our Creator, then that makes us royalty in the kingdom of God.” (1 Peter 2:9)

Her first book, Papa God and Ashley, It’s a Relationship is purposed to teach others how to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives inside every believer. Through her relationship with Papa God, Ashley demonstrates how to live a life full of purpose and become all that God has created us to be.

Her inspiring stories will help you to realize who you are in Christ Jesus and know that as a son or daughter of Christ, you can overcome anything that comes against you. You will rise above who the world says you are and become a true son or daughter of the King of all kings!

If you are interested in contacting Ashley for speaking engagements please email her at or contact her through her website at

To learn more about adoption and sponsorship opportunities with Holt International, please go to: