
About Us

Advanced Writers and Speakers Association is a professional group made up of the top 10 percent of Christian Women in the publishing and speaking world. Currently, we are more than 800 women strong and are sponsored by the 501 (c) 3 nonprofit ministry of Right To The Heart.

Our main event is the annual AWSA conference which is just prior to the opening of the CPE (Christian Product Expo). We host online mastermind groups as well as the Golden Scroll Awards Banquet where we honor authors, editors and publishers for their excellence.

Our communication centers around an online loop where we find connection and prayer support with those who are traveling similar journeys. Our members can choose to join in the daily buzz and/or  join our online prayer team.

We are also the publishers of Leading Hearts, the award-winning magazine to empower Christian Women for Leadership. Our daily AWSA-authored e-devotionals, Arise Daily, are sent out 365 days a year.

AWSA may be just what you need; your very own tribe of sisters who know what your life is like.  Sisters who will love, care and pray for you.  Sister who will share their trade secrets because, after all, we are all on the same team.

To apply or see how to apply for membership, click HERE.

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