Renee Coates Scheidt
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These are just some of the words used to describe author, speaker, and singer Renee Coates Scheidt. Her versatility as a communicator has fondly tagged her as “one who really knows how to connect with her audience.” She will speak to your heart as a life-changing message of grace flows from the depth of her experience. Forced to journey through great tragedy when her minister husband of ten years died by suicide, Renee proclaims God’s faithfulness and the truth of His Word, especially in the midst of adversity. Her honest and open approach to dealing with real life issues has endeared her to numerous audiences. With sincerity, humor and a strong grasp on God’s Word, you’ll find Renee uniquely qualified to minister in a multitude of settings.
Since beginning RMM, Inc. in 1990, Renee has brought HEART NOTES OF HOPE to audiences throughout the country. A professional member of The National Speakers Association, The Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and The Conference of Southern Baptist Music Evangelists, she is also a graduate of CLASS, and holds a Master of Church Music Degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. She hosts a weekly TV program, Hearts of Hope, broadcast from Charlotte, North Carolina and has shared the program with such noted personalities as Gloria Gaither, Beth Moore, and David Ring. As an accomplished writer, her articles have appeared in various magazines, including Dr. James Dobson’s Focus On The Family Ministries, and LifeWay Press. She has been a contributing writer for several devotional books and authored two, Songs of the Night, forwarded by the late Dr. Ron Dunn, and You Know You’re Getting Older When … (a humorous look at the aging process). Her two vocal recordings are titled “Safe in His Arms” and “All For the Good.”
Of all her accomplishments, Renee considers her greatest claim to fame that of being Mom to her two daughters, Nicole and Tara. After nine years as a single parent, Renee remarried Mr. Mel Melton. They make their home in China Grove, North Carolina and affectionately call their country home place, “Green Acres.”