Lori Roeleveld

Lori Roeleveld – AWSA Certified Coach



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Lori Stanley Roeleveld is a traditionally published author, professional writer’s coach, freelance writer, editor, speaker, and disturber of hobbits, who enjoys making comfortable Christians late for dinner.

She’s authored five award-winning books, one co-authored with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, and contributed to ten+ more. Her sixth book, Graceful Influence, releases soon from Our Daily Bread Publishing. Through Take Heart! Coaching and Freelance, Lori has coached over 80 Christian writers to move forward toward their writing dreams.

Lori writes online content for several popular sites including Crosswalk, Christianity.com, and Bible Study Tools. Her work has appeared in numerous Guideposts publications and greeting cards. She’s an experienced ghostwriter, collaborator, and speechwriter. One of Lori’s blog posts was viewed over 2 million times in a single week, and several others were viral on Facebook.

Lori writes and teaches on perseverance, our lasting impact on others, and all manner of hard things but she’s known for her humorous delivery, storytelling, and engaging delivery of biblical truth. Though she has degrees in Psychology and Biblical Studies, Lori learned the most from studying her Bible in life’s trenches.

Life-long Rhode Islander. Wife. Mother of adults. Grandmother. Part-time giant-slayer. Not available for children’s parties. She speaks her mind at www.loriroeleveld.com and manages her coaching/freelance business at www.takeheartcoachingandfreelance.com .

Learn more about Lori at www.takeheartcoachingandfreelance.com.