Could the AWSA Protégé Club Change Your Life?

Winners of the AWSA Golden Scroll Awards

Don’t be Left Out

Want to be mentored, coached and trained to write and publish a book or blog and/or speak to audiences – by members of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association?

Now you can sign up for a year’s worth of our wonderful live online training with group coaching as well as a private strategy coaching session just for you.


What Will You Get?

Once a month, you will be invited into our live training webinar with group coaching – for AWSA Protege Club Members only.

AWSA member experts will talk about topics which will include:

  • Everything you want to know about how to write and publish a book.
  • How to Get More Speaking Engagements.
  • What’s Up with Blogging.
  • When a publisher asks about your platform, what should you say?  How do you build a platform?
  • Writing your next book in thirty days.
  • How do you find a publisher anyway?
  • What’s the deal with self publishing?
  • Do you need an agent and how do you get one?
  • The best techniques to schedule your time and productivity.
  • BIG BONUS – AWSA Proteges can attend private AWSA Member-Only Events!

Linda Evans Shepherd with Ginny Owens at AWSA Conference

PLUS – our online events will have LIVE discussions – and you can ask our experts questions. The answers to those questions will make all the difference to growing your ministry and reaching your audiences.

How it Works…

Our webinars will come LIVE to you monthly, and it you can’t make a live session, you will be able to watch the recording.

Plus, you will be part of the elite circle of  Christian women communicators mentored by AWSA – getting the helps you need, getting your difficult questions answered, and moving forward with all that God has called you to do.

Plus, you will be the first in the know, the first to have the ability to sign up for VERY SPECIAL and EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENTS!

You will develop deeper professional relationships, and that could be crucial to you moving ahead with the mission God gave you.  Who knows the connections God is going to bring together through the AWSA Protege Club.


Do You Qualify?

  1.  Are you a woman who is a raw beginner or intermediate author, speaker or communicator?
  2. Do you believe in John 3:16?   “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
  3. Would you love to have someone show you the how to’s you need to know to fulfill God’s call to write or speak for him?

If all of the above is true for you, then you’re WHO we are looking for and you are ready to sign up.  You get a year’s worth of live webinars (that can be replayed later)  as well as a session of strategic coaching with one of our advanced AWSA member coaches.

Here’s How to Get Started

We’ve created a couple of easy ways to pay:

(click to see cost)

AWSA @ Fall Retreat at CPE in Murfreesboro

Option A:  To save 5 percent of total with yearly payment, CLICK HERE

Option B: To make three easy payments per year, CLICK HERE

Option C:  To pay a very easy monthly payments, CLICK HERE

Refunds are available, minus $45 a month that you were a member; and minus $200 if you participated in a session with your AWSA coach.

The Amazing Secrets of AWSA Inner Circle

Don’t be left out of the AWSA Inner Circle

Sisters, you are the life-changers, the good news bringers – and you need tools to help you through the mire we call the publishing and speaker world.  That’s why we are here to help.

Now you can sign up for a year’s worth of our wonderful new online seminar training and group coaching.

Once a month, you will be invited onto our live training webinar with group coaching – for inner circle members only.

Topics will include —

  • Getting those BIG speaking engagements you’ve always dreamed of.
  • Duplicating the success of AWSA members who have over a million hits on their blogs.
  • Building a platform that will not only make publishers take notice, but will help you sell your books and events.
  • Writing your next book in thirty days.
  • Finding untapped new markets and strategies for authors.
  • Insider tips from big name editors, they don’t talk about (except to us!)
  • Discover which social media really works.  Our best tips to help you reach a wider audience.
  • The best techniques to schedule your time and productivity
  • How to handle difficult counseling situations that come up in your ministry.

PLUS – there will be LIVE discussions – and you can ask our experts questions – and those answers will make all the difference in reaching your audiences.

Our webinars will come LIVE to you monthly, and it you can’t make a live session, you will be able to watch the recording.

Plus, you will be part of the elite inner circle of AWSA – getting the helps you need, getting your difficult questions answers, and moving forward with all that God has called you to do.  Members will also get conference and retreat REPLAYS of speakers and workshops at a deep discount.

Plus, you will be the first in the know, the first to have the ability to sign up for VERY SPECIAL and EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENTS!

You will develop deeper professional relationships, and as you know, that is so important in what we do.  Who knows the connections God is going to bring together.

So, what would this program be worth to you?  Other groups charge $10,000 a year for such a service.  But because we love you – and want to help you, we won’t even charge you $5000 a year for this.

But don’t you think this program would be worth $2000 a year?.  Well, we are slashing that price by 75 percent.  We are offering this program to you for only $19.99

CLICK HERE to get started.

AWSA Inner Circle Payment Options

Congratulations!  Professional mentoring in a mastermind group setting is a real value, especially as we are not charging you $500 a month, like some programs do.

Why?  Well we are a non-profit and we want to be as affordable as possible so we can be there to help you!  That’s why we are 96% lower than that $500-a-month model!

Think of it, you get to develop your professional relationships, build lasting friendships and get expert training, with access to ask our experts your questions.  Oh, and did I mention the handouts?  Yes, there will be handouts too.

Go ahead and get started now.

Set up your $19.99 monthly payments, CLICK HERE

You can cancel at any time.

See you in our AWSA Inner Circle!



Become an AWSA Certified Coach

Yes!  AWSA Coaching Certification is here and you can be one of the first 10 people to take our training this March, live or on recorded replay.

Please note this a real certified coaching program. Not only will you become an expert in the art of coaching, you will   become an authorship, speaking and communications expert as well. There will be live and pre-recorded online training, extra reading and a bit of homework. So, understand that this will take some effort on your part.  But the effort will with worth it!  Read the following benefits to see what this program could mean to you:

Here are the benefits you get as an AWSA Certified Coach

  • Double, triple your writing and speaking income.
  • Take your income and influence to a radically new level AND get paid for coaching people.
  • Remove the roadblocks that have held you back as a writer and speaker.
  • Identify and clarify your writing and speaking goals and … help others do the same.
  • Get paid for developing leadership writing and speaking skills in your clients.
  • Recognize the horrible scams and pitfalls in the publishing industry with guaranteed ways to avoid them.
  • Identify your God-given dreams and develop a clear action plan to achieve them.
  • Develop camaraderie, community and lifelong friendships as well as peer-to-peer support  in your ministry journey.

Our Coaching Certification program has been developed by certified life coaches under the guidance of Professor and Life Coach Cynthia Cavanaugh, and special guest experts and will include a copy of Your Plan to Achieve your Professional Speaking and Writing Dreams, a workbook you will use with your future AWSA-generated coaching clients.

Imagine sitting at home in your spare time coaching new writers and speakers and getting paid for it?

What if you could earn an extra thousand dollars a week by simply coaching some of our newer, novice AWSA members or even our AWSA Proteges?

You can do it and we’ll show you how.

We’re only taking ten spots.

A recent graduate of our coaching certification program said, “The AWSA Coaching Certification Course was worth every bit of the time and money I invested in it Not only did I gain valuable instruction  and clarity on how to coach, but I am now reaping the financial benefits of a wonderfully satisfying coaching business, as I help aspiring writers and speakers meet their professional goals.”Cindi McMenamin, National speaker, award-winning author,  and AWSA- Certified Writing Coach and Communications Specialist

The Next Step?

As you know, some certification programs run upwards of $10,000 or more.  And considering that you can enhance and even earn income through coaching, that price tag does not make for a bad investment.

With our program, you’re not only getting all of the benefits of one of those $10,000 courses, you’re getting access to AWSA generated coaching clients – at a fraction of the investment.

What would it be worth to you to even make 10% more sales with your book, take two extra speaking engagements a year or add an extra 500 readers to your blog, as well as additional coaching income?

Even if we charged you $5000, would this kind of training be worth it to you?

Well yes, especially considering that it will not only expand your ministry, it will expand your bottom line.

Plus you will be able to help AWSA coach proteges who will be coming into our all new, soon-to-be-announced Reach Your Audience Academy through Arise Esther.

Those of you who graduate from our  program will have the opportunity to make up to $50, $75 or even $100 an hour working with clients.

But what about the cost of our training?  Don’t worry, the AWSA Certification program is not going to cost you $5000, not even $2000.  For a limited time we are the cost of our class is $1299, which you can pay in installments.

Listen, we’d love to accept all of you, we love all of our members but we have limited this to just ten.

If you don’t get in, don’t be discouraged. You wouldn’t even be a part of AWSA if we didn’t think you’re awesome and totally believe in you.

So, are you ready to becoming one of our  AWSA Certified Coaches? Our online classes start soon with recorded replay available, if you ever have to miss a session.

Plus we have an outstanding session that gives you step by step directions on how to sell your services to future clients and build your business.

So don’t delay.

First fill out our application, then go down to payment options and chose a payment method.  If you don’t get into our class, we will refund you.


Be sure you hit the application submit button twice – so that it goes through.  In this process you will be given a chance to edit your answers, before you hit your final submit.

Payment Options Here:

Once you:

A.  Submit your application.

B.  Pay.

Your application will be submitted for review.  If the team feels you are not yet ready, you will get a full refund.  But we are hoping that you can join us now instead of later.  See you on the other side of this process.


Linda Evans Shepherd

Cynthia Cavanaugh

Karen Porter

2016 Golden Scroll Winners

Announcing our 2106 Golden Scroll Winners

Cincinnati – AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) announced the winners of the 2016 Golden Scroll Awards for Publisher, Non-Fiction Editor, and Fiction Editor of the Year as well as the winners of the Golden Scroll Books of the Year contests at the 2016 Golden Scroll Awards and Banquet, Sunday, June 26th at the Duke Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

DSC_0025Honored for outstanding ministry partnerships with their authors, the Golden Scroll Publisher of the Year Award went to Worthy Publishing. AWSA author Cynthia Ruchti says of Worthy, “They are fully invested in publishing books people need to read. No detail is left to chance or whim. It’s a prayed-over publishing process at Worthy.”

Andy Mcguire was named the winner of the Golden Scroll Non-Fiction Editor of the Year Award. AWSA author Terri Roberts said of Mcguire, “Andy showed great support and encouragement through the entire process even though I was battling serious health challenges of stage 4 cancer. He and his staff were there for me.”

DSC_0028The Fiction Editor of the Year was awarded to Jamie Clarke Chavez of, AWSA author Cynthia Ruchti says of Clarke, “Her breadth of knowledge and depth of caring are immense. She not only impacts the finished product, but me as an author.”

DSC_0033The Golden Scroll Nonfiction Book of the Year Award went to Saundra Dalton-Smith for Come Empty from SonRise Devotionals. The judges remarked, “Saundra encourages the reader to spend intimate time with Jesus who will not only fulfill our longings but will fill the emptiness within.”

Golden Scroll Merit Awards for Nonfiction were also awarded to Patrica A. Ennis for God is My Strength from Christian Focus, Tina Samples and Dave Samples for Messed Up Men of the Bible from Kregel Publications and Deb DeArmond for I Choose You Today from Abingdon Press.

Silver Scroll Merit Awards for Nonfiction went to Nan Corbitt Allen for Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ The Piggly Wiggly from Allen House Productions, Terri Roberts with Jeanette Windle for Forgiven: The Amish School Shooting, a Mother’s Love, and a Story of Remarkable Grace from Bethany House Publishers and Susan K. Steward for Formatting e-Books for Writers from Practical Inspiration.

DSC_0037The Golden Scroll Novel of the Year Award went to Lynette Eason for Always Watching from Revell of Baker Publishing Group. The judges agreed, “This novel earns a five-star plus in our book.”

Golden Scroll Merit Awards for Fiction were also awarded to Deborah Raney for both Another Way Home and Two Roads Home from Abingdon Press and Eva Marie Everson for Five Brides from Tyndale House Publishers.

Silver Scroll Merit Awards for Fiction went to Sandra Picklesimer Aldrich for Zetta’s Dream from Bold Words, Inc, Kathi Macias for Return to Christmas from New Hope Publishers, and Sarah Sundin for Through Waters Deep from Revell of Baker Publishing Group.

DSC_0039The Golden Scroll Children’s Book Merit Award was awarded to Lee Ann Mancini – for What a Bragger  from GLM Publishing LLC. The Golden Scroll Children’s Book of the Year was awarded to Michelle Lazurek for Daddy, am I Beautiful? from Pauline Books & Media. The judges remarked, “This delightful children’s books shows girls that true beauty exists when we show God’s love from the inside out, even if they have green skin and spaghetti and meatballs for hair.”

DSC_0040The Advanced Writers and Speakers Association is Proud to have created our very own magazine for the Christian Women Leaders of the Church. This Magazine, which is building a huge audience in it’s own right, has been awarded The Evangelical Press Association Merit Award for a Christian Ministry Digital Publication two years in a row.  Torry Martin was presented the Leading Hearts Magazine Award for his article “A Hairy Situation” which also  placed in the Humor Article Category in EPA’s High Goals Category.

DSC_0046In addition, the 2016 AWSA Member of the Year Award went to Cynthia L. Simmons. AWSA founder Linda Evans Shepherd says of Cynthia, “She serves the Lord with her whole heart, whether it’s writing her books, hosting her radio show, directing the Atlanta Christian Writers Conference or mentoring home school moms.”

DSC_0041The Beyond Me Award went to Sheryl Giesbrecht, an acclaimed author and radio host who has a heart for missions around the world. The prestigious 2016 Golden Scroll Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Kay Arthur. Shepherd says of Arthur, “Kay may be the famed author of over 100 books, a TV show host, and the founder of Precept Ministries International, but her accomplishments have come as a result of her service unto her Lord Jesus Christ.”

DSC_0018Torry Martin served as the keynote speaker along with recording artist Babbie Mason and Linda Goldfarb serving as emcee. Authors Carol Kent and Pam Christian presented the awards. Babbie Mason also performed a parody written by Martha Bolton dedicated to editors and publishers.

AWSA, the sponsor of the Golden Scroll Awards Banquet, is an outreach of Right to the Heart Ministries and consists of over 400 top ICRS women authors who both publish and speak nationally. See


See the 2016 winners, click HERE.

See the 2015 winners, click HERE.

See the 2014 winners, click HERE.

See the 2013 winners, click HERE.

See the 2012 winners, click HERE.

See the 2011 winners, click HERE.

See the 2010 winners, click HERE.

See the 2009 winners, click HERE.


2016 Golden Scroll Winners

Change Your Directory Information

Need Changes to your Listing?

Contact changes are free.  Simply fill out the form below.

If you want to update more than your contact info, like photos, youtubes, urls, and bios, we charge a small $10.00 fee to cover our webmaster’s time.  Click HERE to get started.  You can email Linda at with your needed changes.  Otherwise, Linda will email you to see what you need.


AWSA Sept 2018 Conference – REGISTRATION OPEN

NEW DATES:  Sept 7 – 9, 2018 

WHERE: The Sheraton Music City  in Nashville, TN.


Cheri Keaggy Our Musical Guest


Join Us in Nashville!

You are invited to come to our AWSA Conference, this September.  We have wonderful workshops, speakers, trainings, prayer times, and our special musical guest will be Cheri Keaggy.

Hope you can come!

You can review our schedule of events HERE.

Register for AWSA Conference Events 

The AWSA Conference Events include:

Bonus Thursday Night – There will be a very fun get together, maybe dinner on a steamboat.  More news about this soon.

AWSA Event 1:  Friday- AWSA AM Prayer Time, Early Bird Seminars, Lunch and Evening Banquet. 9:00 am – 9:00 pm. Sept 7.  (Lunch and Dinner options.)

AWSA Event 2:  Saturday Conference Day –  Sept 8   (Breakfast and Lunch options.)

AWSA Event 3:  Saturday PM Girls Night Out – Sept 8. (Bring your wallet.)

AWSA Event 4:  9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship – Sept 9 – Come and worship with us and the booksellers, Karen Porter and special guest recording artist Karin Simmons. (Open to all)

AWSA Event 5:  11:30 am Sunday Golden Scroll Banquet – Sept 9 (Included with full conference.)  Our grand finale happens Sunday with out wonderful Golden Scroll Award Banquet which features book awards and Dr. Erwin Lutzer as keynote and recording artist Cherri Keaggy with our special music.-ends about 2:00 pm.  

NEWS NEWS NEWS – The Christian Television Network will be on sight to  film and later broadcast our Golden Scroll Banquet!

MORE NEWS  – Wednesday the 12th, Christian Television Network is sponsoring an AWSA interview day, open to 8 AWSAs.  More info about this soon.

Register Early Bird Rates CLICK HERE.

(Note our rates go up on August 15.)

For EARLY BIRD RATES for SINGLE DAYS or Events – SEE BELOW (Mix and Match)

  • Friday only (all day with lunch and dinner)  CLICK HERE
  • Friday only (half day.  Includes seminars and 1 meal, either lunch OR dinner)  CLICK HERE
  • Saturday only (all day; includes breakfast and lunch) CLICK HERE
  • Saturday  only (half day; includes 1 meal; breakfast or lunch) CLICK HERE
  • Sunday Golden Scroll only. CLICK HERE
  • If you are attending the Golden Scrolls, additional guest tickets can be purchased at a discount; CLICK HERE

Book-signing Events

  • Sunday Afternoon Book-signing Party (only 14 spots or fewer spots)  FULL
  • AWSA Book-signing Booth (You get 1 book-signing spot, either Monday or Tuesday, Sept 10 – 11)  FULL

To See Complete Schedules of Events, CLICK HERE:


Immediately Following Our Conference:

You are invited to stay and participate in the Munce Expo Booksigning and AWSA Booth for Christian Booksellers at Expo.Sept 9 – 11.  See more information below…

Christian Product Expo Events

September 9 – 11, at same hotel in Nashville (Sheraton Music City.)

You are invited to stay over and participate in the Munce Christian Book Expo banquets, book signings, the AWSA book-signing booth, and meeting  book buyers.

Keep Reading to Register for these Events Separately:

Munce Event 1:  Book-signing party at Munce Sun. Sept 9 at 4:00 pm.  (AWSA PRO MEMBERS ONLY.)  FULL

Munce Event 2: AWSA Booth at the Christian Product Expo. Mon. Sept. 10 -Tues. 11 (sign your books to retailers at the Munce Christian Book Expo!)  FULL.  Note:  Pro or Protege Members may participate.

Munce Event 3: The Munce CPE Expo (Banquets and more!) Sun. Sept 9 – Tues. Sept. 11  (see below)


CLICK HERE for MUNCE registration from.  Note, this is an event  which is entirely separate from AWSA, and if you wish to attend their banquets or get a name tag for the Christian Product Book Expo, you must register with the form attached to the provided link above.

NOTE:  Sunday Banquets to feature our AWSA Lifetime Achievement Award and AWSA book award winners! This would be worth coming to,


See you in Nashville, TN.

Flying?  Land in Nashville, blocks from our hotel!



We are staying at the beautiful Sheraton Music City.  Discounted Hotel Reservation

Phone:  Call 888-627-7060 and refer to group name “Christian Product Expo 2018”.


Rates per night:  1 – 2 people = $159; 3 people $169; 4 people $179


Sending books to the hotel for the  Munce Conference..

You books must arrive between 9/3 and 9/7

There will be a $6 fee from the hotel, per box.

Send to

Sheraton Music City Hotel


777 McGavok Pike, Nashville, TN 37214

Box(es)_____ of_____ (multiple boxes must be numbered)

Laura Kay Shepherd Memorial Scholarship Fund

Miss Laura3Hi Dear Friends,

We are blessed and humbled that you want to participate in the Laura Kay Shepherd Memorial Fund.  Laura Kay is the daughter of AWSA founder Linda Evans Shepherd.  Though Laura lived a life of disablities, she was filled with joy, peace, kindness and joy!  Laura died just a day after her 30th birthday, July 23rd, 2016.  She is sorely missed by her family.

Thank you for helping to make Laura’s memory a living legacy of help to our AWSA sisters who need scholarships for our upcoming events.


Karen Porter; 2016 AWSA President

Donation Opportunities Below:

$20.00 Click Here

$50.00 Click Here.

$100 Click Here.

$500 Click Here.

$1000 Click Here.

NOTE, if you don’t see the exact account you want to use, can mix and match and also add multiple entries to get the number you wish to contribute.

Otherwise please send a Check with MEMO:  Laura Shepherd FUND


Linda Shepherd

PO Box 6421, Longmont, CO 80501

Need AWSA Membership Info?

It’s great to meet you here in Cincinnati at NEXT; the Christian Booksellers Expo.

Thanks for dropping by our booth!

We would love to send you additional information about becoming a member of AWSA. To receive this information, and to be eligible for our drawing for a free membership application, please fill out the form below.

Otherwise, you can read about our AWSA membership application page online.


Yowarfareu don’t want to miss AWSA’s first ONLINE class which will meet:


When: 4 Thursday Evening Sessions, February 11, 25, as well as March 10 and 24th.

Time:  Class starts at:

  • 8:00 EST
  • 7:00  CST
  • 6:00 MST
  • 5:00 PST

Length of Classes:  1.5 hours

Your Host:  Linda Evans Shepherd

Teacher:  Joyce Schneider


About Joy Schneider:

Joy2Joy is one of our AWSA resident experts on spiritual warfare.   Not only is Joy our AWSA prayer captain, she has been at the forefront of our popular conference Friday morning time of warfare prayer.

Here’s what Joy has to say about warfare of women in ministry, “We often become aware that we are experiencing spiritual warfare but are ill-prepared to know what to do about it. We do not realize that many of the stresses we encounter are actually the pressures that come with the wrestling that the Apostle Paul describes in Ephesians 6:12., ‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.'”

Joy explains, “We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Therefore, He has given us what we need to overcome.”

More about the Warfare Class:  

The four classes will cover subjects that include:

1. Overcoming fear and gaining confidence in your spiritual identity in Jesus Christ. This class will

explain the segment of spiritual wickedness in high places and what is our weaponry of choice.

2. The enemy operates by darkness. This segment will explain tactics used by the rulers of the

darkness of this world. What the Lord has given us to stand strong and confident is really quite

simple. You’ll see.

3. Are you tired of being bullied by the enemy? You are equipped for this battle against the

authority or powers segment. You will see what you get to use to push back with confidence.

4. Get your lawyer hat out and see what you have to stand in your legal rights in the spirit realm.

This segment will discuss principalities. You will be amazed at what neutralizes the enemy.



BONUS:  You will receive (by mail) a copy of Joy’s book:

Identifying the Hierarchy of Satan: A Handbook for Wrestling to Win!


COST of CLASS:  $30.00  (Includes copy of book.)

Note:  For AWSA Members Only.  Limited seating.  Please sign up before the classes closes.  When ordering the class, please include your MAILING (snail mail) address so we can drop a copy of the book in the mail to you.


