AWSA Announces 2012 Golden Scroll Award Winners
Orlando, FL – The Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) held their 12th Golden Scroll Awards Banquet Sunday, July 15th, at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando. Honored for outstanding ministry partnerships with their authors, the Golden Scroll Publisher of the Year went to Harvest House Publishers. Author Poppy Smith said of Harvest, “I’ve appreciated their enthusiasm and warm support of my recent book.”
The Golden Scroll Editor of the Year went to Kim Bangs, now of Regal Books. Author Vonda Skelton said of Bangs, “She is so much more than an editor. She’s a friend, prayer warrior, and sister in the Lord who loves to serve Him.”
The Golden Scroll Fiction Editor of the Year went to Julee Schwarzburg of Schwarzburg Editorial . Novelist Gayle Roper said, “Julee is a fabulous editor with a strong sense of story as well as a keen eye for the particulars that make a story zing.”
The Golden Scroll Award for Nonfiction Book of the Year went to Poppy Smith for Why Can’t He Be More Like Me (Harvest House Publishers). The AWSAs found Smith’s book both entertaining and informative as well as from her heart. The Golden Scroll Award for Novel of the Year went to Susan May Warren for Heiress (Summerside Press). The AWSAs recommend Heiress as a compelling novel about two sisters who discover that being an heiress might cost them the chance for true love. The Golden Scroll Award for the Inspiration and Gift Book of the year went to Mary Tatem for The Quilt of Life, A Patchwork of Inspirational Thoughts (Barbour Publishing). The AWSAs recommend the The Quilt of Life as a gem which weaves brilliant quotes throughout its pages.
The AWSA of the Year was presented by AWSA founder Linda Evans Shepherd to Pam Farrel. Shepherd said, “Pam has accomplished so much as and her husband founded both Love-Wise and Farrel Communications and also wrote 30 books, including Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti with over 300,000 sold.
The Beyond Me Award, presented by Kathi Macias, went to Jeanette Windle. Macias said, “No one better epitomizes a ‘beyond me’ life than Jeanette. She selflessly gives herself away, both at home and on the mission field, and abundantly blesses those she meets. I’m honored to know this devoted lady, and to call her my friend.”
The prestigious 2012 Golden Scroll Lifetime Achievement Award went to bestselling author and international radio personality June Hunt. Hunt is the founder and CEO of Hope for the Heart, a biblical counseling ministry with radio programs Hope for the Heart and Hope in the Night heard on 1000 outlets worldwide.
June Hunt was also the keynote speaker and recording artist Gwen Smith performed a parody written by Martha Bolton. After the banquet and dessert reception, Suzanne Kuhn, owner of SuzyQ, a full-service author promotion and retail development service, talked about ways to maximize book sales .
AWSA, an outreach of Right to the Heart Ministries, consists of over 350 top ICRS women authors who both publish and speak nationally. See
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