2015 Golden Scroll Awards

AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) announced the winners of the 2015 Golden Scroll Awards for Publisher, Non-Fiction Editor, and Fiction Editor of the Year as well as the winners of the Golden Scroll Books of the Year contests at the 2015 Golden Scroll Awards and Banquet, Sunday, June 28th at the convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Honored for outstanding ministry partnerships with their authors, the Golden Scroll Publisher of the Year went to New Hope Publishers.

AWSA author Brenda Poinsett says of New Hope, “Their work isn’t just about publishing books; it’s about reaching men and women and boys and girls for Jesus Christ.”

Both Paul Muckley of Discovery House and Larry Weeden of Focus on the Family were named the winners of the Non-Fiction Editor of the Year. AWSA author Crystal Bowman says of Muckley, “I don’t know how he does it, but his editing is amazing.” Pam Farrel says of Weeden, “He is an affirming visionary, a godly man of both virtue and vision!”



The Fiction Editor of the Year was awarded to Andrea Doering of Revell of Baker Publishing Group.  AWSA author Lynette Eason says of Doering, “She makes each of her authors feel special, not just because we write for her house, but because she cares.”


DSC_1148The Book of the Year Nonfiction Award went to Gayle Roper for A Widow’s Journey, Reflections on Walking Alone from Harvest House Publishers.






Golden Scroll Merit Awards for Nonfiction were also awarded to Shelly Beach and Wanda Sanchez for Love Letters from the Edge from Kregel Publications, Elaine Helms for Prayer Without Limits, Expanding Your Relationship with God from New Hope Publishers, Marti Pieper and Avis Goodhart for Out of the Dust: Story of an Unlikely Missionary from ANEKO Press, and Amy Simpson for her book Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry from IVP Books.

DSC_1161Silver Scroll Merit Awards for Nonfiction went to Cindi McManamin for Whe

n God Sees Your Tears from Harvest House Publishers, Marti Pieper and Walker Moore for Escape the Lie, Journey to Freedom From the Orphan Heart from Randall House, and Brenda Poinsett for He Said What?!: Jesus’ Amazing Words to Women from New Hope Publishers.

The Novel of the Year Award went to Eva Marie Everson for The Road to Testament from Abingdon Press.

DSC_1152Golden Scroll Merit Awards for Fiction were also awarded to Cynthia Ruchti for As Waters Gone By from Abingdon Press, Lynette Eason for No One to Trust from Revell of Baker Publishing Group, and Firewall by DiAnn Mills from Tyndale House Publishers.

Silver Scroll Merit Awards for Fiction went to Gayle Roper for An Unexpected Match from Harvest House Publishers, Deborah Raney for Home to Chicory Lane from Abingdon Press, and Sarah Sundin for In Perfect Time from Revell of Baker Publishing Group.

DSC_1176In addition, the 2015 AWSA Member of the Year Award went to Amber Weigand-Buckley who serves as editor for AWSA’s award-winning magazine, Leading Hearts. DSC_1169The Beyond Me Award went to Janet Perez Eckles.  The prestigious 2015 Golden Scroll Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Chonda Pierce.

Chonda Pierce served as the keynote speaker with Thelma Wells as emcee. Authors Carol Kent and AWSA founder Linda Evans Shepherd presented the awards. Chonda Pierce also performed a parody written by Martha Bolton dedicated to editors and publishers.

DSC_1201AWSA, the sponsor of the Golden Scroll Awards Banquet, is an outreach of Right to the Heart Ministries and consists of over 400 top ICRS women authors who both publish and speak nationally. See www.AWSA.com.









See the 2016 winners, click HERE.

See the 2015 winners, click HERE.

See the 2014 winners, click HERE.

See the 2013 winners, click HERE.

See the 2012 winners, click HERE.

See the 2011 winners, click HERE.

See the 2010 winners, click HERE.

See the 2009 winners, click HERE.