Thursday, August 12
- Around lunch time? Drop in at the hotel restaurant and have lunch with the earliest early birds.
- 7:00 Come as you are – dinner out
FRIDAY, August 13
- 8:30 On Site Check In Begins- Downstairs Outside Junior Ballroom C
- 9:00 Emcee: Beth Deuwel
- 9:00 Prayer Warrior Class — Linda Evans Shepherd and Team- Junior Ballroom C
- 10:30- Devotional: Erica Wiggenhorn- How to Get Unstuck
- 11:00 Professional Seminar One: Kathy Howard: How to Sell More Books by Serving Your Tribe or Protege Seminar: Honing Your Message and Your Mission with Carole Leathem (Executive Board Room Floor 2)
12:00—FRIDAY LUNCH– Boxed Lunch with Us (If you registered for it) or on your own
- 1:00 Emcee: Sabrina Black
- 1:00 –4:00 Seminar: Edie Melson: Recent Changes to Social Media & How to Adapt to Future Changes- Junior Ballroom C
- 4:00- 4:15 Arise Daily and Leading Heart Reports
Friday Day Sessions END – Check in moves upstairs to outside Ballroom C
- 4:15 New AWSA Pro Member Meeting- Junior Ballroom C
- 4:15 NEW AWSA Protege Member meeting- Executive Boardroom Floor 2
6:00 —FRIDAY DINNER (Reception at 5:45)– Ballroom C
- Emcee Dawn Scott Damon
- Worship Babbie Mason
- Keynote Babbie Mason
- 8:00 Members & Protégé Introductions
SATURDAY, August 14
- Emcee: Tammy Whitehurst- Ballroom C
- Worship Babbie Mason
- Devotional: Laine Craft
- 9:00 Special AWSA Prayer Time — Tina Yeager
- 10:00 Break
- 10:15 Professional Seminar Choose 1:
- Kaley Rhea: Write to Your Strengths: Building Fiction Muscles with Less Fatigue- D1
- Jeanette Windle: A Story to Tell: Writing Compelling True-Life Memoir Title- D2
- Protege Session: Making the Most out of your Protege Membership, Get a Jumpstart to Getting It Done, Encouragement from Former Protege Christine Trimpe- Executive Boardroom
11:30—SATURDAY LUNCH– Ballroom C
- Emcee
- Special Announcements- Linda Evans Shepherd
SATURDAY PM Seminar– Ballroom C
- Emcee: Carole Leathem
- 1:00 – 2:00 Seminar: Carol Kent- Pro Speaking Tips- D1
- 2:00- 3:30 Professional Roundtables (listed below)- Ballroom C and D3
- Vlogging – Christine Trimpe
- Marketing Your Book from Pre-/writing to Post-Release; Develop the right plans that use Your Strengths and Connect to Your Readers. – Karen Whiting
- Children’s Books – Crystal Bowman
- A Coaching Perspective: Close to the Heart of God – Phylis Mantelli
- A Guide to Finding Healing by Telling Your Abuse Story – Dawn Scott Damon
- Podcasting – Janell Rardon
- Branding Secrets – Sharon Norris Elliot
- How to Create Landing Pages that Convert – Patricia Durgin
- Effective Devotionals – Julie Coleman
- Getting God’s Word Right in Your Writing – Kathy Howard
- Detours, Roadblocks, and Speed Bumps – How to get back on Track After a Difficult Season. – Cynthia Cavanaugh
- 3:30-4:30- State of the Industry Panel: Karen Porter (Moderator), Sharon Elliot, Eva Marie Everson, Cherri Cowellm Edwina Perkins, Athena Dean, Cynthia Ruchti- Ballroom C
- 4:30- 5:30 Counseling Panel: Sabrina Black (moderator), Deborah Maxey, Michelle Nietert, Tina Yeager- Ballroom C
- 5:30-6:00 Final Charge – Karen Porter
- 6:00-6:10 Announcements
- 6:30 Girl’s Night Out- led by Tine Yeager
- 6:30 AWSA Steering Committee Meeting
- 8:30-9:30- Meet for Fun Discussion Groups- D3
SUNDAY, August 16 AM
- 10:00 Prayer and Worship AWSA invites Bookstores to join us!
- Worship: Babbie Mason
- Speaker: Erica Wiggenhorn
- Emcee
- Music — Babbie Mason
- Award Announcements: Carol Kent and Dawn Scott Damon
- Keynote — Cynthia Ruchti
MUNCE Christian Product Expo Officially Opens
Sunday August 16, Afternoon
AWSA-Led CPE Christian Writers Conference
- Afternoon Session with Susan Neal- Upstairs Room 101
- CPE Personality Party
- CPE Banquet Starts
- Christian Product Expo Opens
- AWSA Booth – with booksignings open
- AWSA Led CPE Christian Writers Conference AM Session-Edie Melson: How to Get the Most out of Social Media- D1
- Lunch on the floor
- AWSA Led CPE Christian Writers Conference PM Session- Cheri Cowell: Discover the Real Secret to Marketing- D1
- CPE Banquet
Tuesday at CPE
- Christian Product Expo Opens
- AWSA Booth – with booksignings open
- AWSA Led CPE Christian Writers Conference AM Session- Suzanne Kuhn: How to Build Your Brand- D1
- Lunch on the floor
- END CPE Christian Writers Conference.
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