
Julie Baker

Julie Baker



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Julie Baker is an author, songwriter and recording artist. She’s sung with Sandi Patty, Kathy Troccoli and Larnelle Harris and traveled the world ministering in music and speaking to women’s groups. From 1997-2007, she was the President of TimeOut for Women!, a national evangelistic ministry that ministered to over 80,000 throughout its tenure.

She’s trained hundreds of people for leadership responsibilities at General Motors, Ford and other Fortune 500 Companies, and is a popular women’s retreat speaker, worship leader, and performing artist. Singing and playing piano since the age of three, Julie Baker has devoted her talents towards one goal: sharing the love of God through her music, speaking, writing, and teaching.

Julie has written hundreds of songs, many of which have been published, arranged and recorded, and some of them are represented on these projects:

 “Attitude of Praise” 1993

“Never Say Goodbye” 1995

“Take Time to Sing” 1996

“Faithful”    1997

“Because We’re Sisters” 1999

“Priceless”  2003

“Never-ending Song” 2014

“For Unto Us” 2015

Julie’s music and many sound tracks are now available at the i-tunes store on line. Just open your itunes, go to the store and search for “Julie Baker.”

Julie’s website is: JulieBakerMinistries.com

In conjunction with David C. Cook Publishing in Colorado Springs, Julie has written five books (Books are available on Amazon Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=node%3D154606011&field-keywords=Julie+Baker) and include:

TimeOut for Prayer

– A daily devotional including selections on

  1. Why We Pray
  2. How to Pray
  3. Where and When to Pray
  4. Intercessory Prayer
  5. Things that Hinder Prayer
  6. How to Hear God
  7. Two Minute Time Outs.
  1. (Note: Time Out for Prayer has now been translated in Portuguese.)

TimeOut for Holiness at Home

– A ten-week Bible study delving into issues of

  1. Developing Holiness in Relationships
  2. Upholding Holiness Through Temptation
  3. Demonstrating Holiness in finances
  4. Honoring God during Recreation

TimeOut for Holiness at Work

– A ten-week Bible study giving direction on

  1. Dealing with Difficult People
  2. Making Wise Decisions
  3. Learning to Delegate

A Pebble in the Pond — The Ripple Effect

– Leadership skills every woman can achieve

  1. Every Woman Is a Leader
  2. Polishing Your Platform Performance
  3. Time Management
  4. Which Leadership Style Is Best For You

A Fresh Start — My New Identity in Christ

– A new believer’s Bible study

  • Salvation
  • Forgiveness
  • Repentance
  • Faith
  • Temptation
  • Prayer
  • Holy Spirit
  • Heaven

Julie Baker is also a television host and for two years produced a 30-minute weekly program called TimeOut for Women! on the TCT network (Total Christian Television) out of Detroit, Michigan, reaching 850 U.S. markets and 169 countries around the world. She is currently hosting a local Christian television program from Orlando, Florida that is called “TimeOut.” The focus is on people with miraculous stories.