Charlotte Adelsperger
Charlotte Adelsperger, author and speaker, specializes in the encouragement
ministry. “With God’s love alive within us, let’s reach out,” she says.
Charlotte has written four books and material for more than 200 publications
and compilations. She writes for both adults and children. Her credits
include: Cricket Magazine for children, Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse;
Clubhouse Jr. and Chicken Soup books. Most reprinted is her, “Between the
Lines” that appeared in A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul. Her
poetry has been published in numerous magazines and gift books.
Now in its third printing is her picture book, Amazing Miracles of Jesus, illustrated by Nancy
Munger, Tyndale House Publishers. Her first book was When Your Child
Hurts—Hope for Parents of Children Undergoing Long Term Medical Care.
Charlotte enjoys speaking to women’s groups. She brings a fresh message,
sprinkled with humor and filled with scriptural principles. From her research
and writing, she gives a historical presentation on the 1956 Andrea Doria
shipwreck. She also speaks to groups that minister to cancer patients and
those with long term medical needs. She has taught writers’ workshops at
conferences in six states.
She lives with her husband Bob in the Kansas City area. They are the
parents of two grown children, Karen Hayse and John W. Adelsperger.