Karen Richardson

Karen Richardson


Karen H. Richardson has one goal – to make an impact – wherever she is, whatever she’s
doing. It’s people first, progress second. She has a deep faith and believes in working hard. Her
writing, while fiction, encourages and empowers the reader to overcome the challenges they
encounter. Rediscover, renew, and refresh are the themes of her novels. Her debut novel,
Curtains for Maggie, was published in 2023 and was ranked #1 on Kindle within its genre.
Designs for Nora, the second of three novels in the collection, will be published in 2025. She has
published several articles and hosts a blog, KK’s Candor. When she’s not writing she spends
time gardening, playing pickleball, and reading. Karen lives in Louisville, Kentucky with her soulmate
and husband, Jay. She enjoys time with her family which includes her grown son, Cole, and
daughter-in-law, Erin.